Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tio Juan Dental Clinic

Our home away from the apartment - Tio Juan Dental. It is located about 30-40 minutes away from Victoria Suites. Depending on the traffic and all goes well, we can arrive at work by 8:45 a.m. Snow White is on one side of the door and the 7 Dwarfs are on the other. Behind that door is a modernized dental clinic built about three years ago. The dentist screen future missionaries, missionaries at the CCM (MTC), and 6 orphanages. CCM missionaries are screened at the CCM and then scheduled to come to the clinic. Missionaries are seen in the morning and the orphans come in the afternoon. Doc's life has definitely changed from the leisure retirement days of napping, golfing, napping again, puttering around the house and whatever he wanted to do. We work 5 days a week from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. depending on the schedule. Life has changed for the better - we are serving others and loving every minute.

Clinic Staff - Elder and Sister Tobler, whom we are replacing, Elder and Sister Call, Betsy, Cice and Carmina. Ceci and Carmina are 14 and 17. They are girls from Sister Call's Young Women's class. During their winter break, they are working on their Personal Progress requirements in Service and Knowledge. They have picked up assisting rapidly and have been a tremendous help to all. Betsy is also from the Call's ward and she's been helping at the front desk. All this wonderful help will be leaving us by the end of December.

Everyone is assigned cleanup at the end of the day. This has to be a first, Doc is mopping the floors this particular afternoon and I couldn't resist this Kodak moment. Many hands make light work.

Oops!! Backwards one more time.

1 comment:

  1. So great to read about all you are doing! The girls are so proud about how well Elder Jr. is getting along. I think they feel like they are right there with you. In spirit anyway. We are in Disneyland! Scott and Jessica will be here later tonight. Having a marvelous time. Weather is lovely. Miss you both.
