Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Day at the Clinic

Sergio bonding with Elder Johnson Jr.

Sergio receiving oral hygiene instruction from Carmina. She is great teaching this to all of our orphans.

This has to be a first; Sergio feel asleep while Dr. Johnson was working on his teeth.

Sergio, age 8years old, is one of our favorite orphans. The x-ray drape is much larger than he is as you can plainly see. When he first started at the clinic, he was quite a handful and wouldn't let you work on him. Now he is a model patient. He immediately went to Dr. Call to give him a hug when he first came today. He is another patient Dr. Call has won over to ease their fear of the clinic.

Unconventional way of treating a patient in a dental clinic. Grandma is sitting on the dental chair holding his legs and the patient's head is on the dentist's lap. All-in-all the young boy handle his treatment quite well on this day. Dr. Call is amazing how he can persuade those a little fearful to relax and trust him.

Dr. Call trying to ease the fear of this young patient. We saw him the week before and removed his two front teeth that were broken off. Returning to the clinic for more work was more than he bargained fo

This is a group of Tio Juan Orphans that visited the clinic this week. They were so sweet and a handsome group of young men. After they left the clinic, they were headed to Cemaco (similar to a Target) to work. Cemaco hired the young men to help them earn extra money for the holiday season. After work, Elder Johnson and I went to Cemaco and when the boys saw us, they came over to

Carmina was feeling a little under the weather this morning. It's amazing what you can do with a dental chair.

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