Sunday, December 4, 2011


Elder and Sister Tolber along with Elder and Sister Call met us at the airport which is about 7 minutes from Victory Suites where we will reside for the next 18 months. Apartment 403 - a sign and balloons - Bienvenidos Elder and Sister Johnson - Welcome to the best mission in the world.

As we entered the apartment, this is not what we expected. In fact, we brought a mosquito net with us to place over our bed thinking we would be bug infested. We guessed wrong. Wow! We were so surprised at how modern and nice the apartment appeared. The Tolber's and Call's had stocked our shelves and fridge to get us through for a few days. Our welcome to Guatemala set the stage for a wonderful experience. Victory Suites is located in a lovely part of town on 18 Calle, Zone 14. There are high rises all around our neighborhood. In the middle of the night around 4:00 a.m. we heard this loud BANG. It almost sounded like an artillery firing range. Come to find out, it is customary on someones' birthday they set off fireworks, and I mean lots of fireworks. Most of the time the start early in the afternoon and continue on through the evening into the wee hours.

Sunday was Stake Conference so we all attended the same Church today. Stake Conference was via satellite with Don Clarke, former Area President, conducted and spoke. Brother Jeffrey R. Holland, President Uchtdorf addressed the congregation. They all gave wonderful messages regarding missionary work, temple worthiness and families. The closing song was The Spirit of God was beautiful. I never heard so many beautiful voices and sining with such conviction. The chapel was filled to capacity, standing room only and the missionaries and couple missionaries sat in the Primary room to hear it in Spanish.

Later in the afternoon, the senior couples met on the rooftop of Victoria Suites for a BBQ. It was a delightful evening meeting all the senior couples and becoming acquainted with them. Won't remember all the names tonight, but faces I'll never forget.
Second night here, we are so fortunate to be called to serve in such a beautiful country.

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