Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Concert

Getting the Christmas Spirit this year has been most difficult. December is a month of parties, cooking, shopping, friends, and family traditions and here we are hundreds of miles away from those we love. We did put some lights on our artificial tree, decorated the tree with artificial poinsettias and bought a real poinsettia to make it look like Christmas, but it just isn't the same. Rudy, our Area PR man, came to the rescue. He was given some tickets to the Christmas Symphony Concert at the Teatro Nacional. Fielding Roldan, 1st chair Obo, is a member of the Church, gave Rudy the ticket. Here we are enjoying a wonderful evening at the Symphony.

These flowers were placed on both sides of the stage.

The Symphony played all the traditional Christmas music. We may not have understood the MC introducing the pieces but we definitely recognized the music. The evening couldn't have been better.

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