Sunday, December 4, 2011

Las Lomas Branch

Las Lomas Branch - Elder Johnson, Sister Johnson and Elder Johnson Jr. are standing in front of the Church. You are probably wondering "What with the bear?" For my birthday, Caitlin and Shae gave me a missionary bear dressed in missionary clothes, Book of Mormon on his arm and a tag. I thought it would be great for Elder Johnson Jr. to experience missionary life. The missionaries at the CCM (MTC) thought he was so cute, dental clinic patients love him, and even the senior couples have loved the idea of what we're doing. He has been the best conversation piece.

Las Lomas Branch - meaning the hills. It is very poor Pueblo (community). There are about 100 members but only 25-30 people attend church. President Perez, Branch President, and Erik Reyes are the only two Melchizedek Priesthood in the Branch. Pres. Perez does not have counselors; Elders Quorum President teaches Priesthood, Sunday School, conducts when President Perez in not around and teaches Relief Society when the President doesn't come - very busy man. They are very humble and loving people. The have welcomed us with open arms. Now the challenge will be to be able to communicate with them after Elder and Sister Parent leave the Branch in January. Wish us luck!!

This is the street leading to the Branch we've been assigned. The Pueblo is a poor area. Most of the members do not have cars so they are walking to Church. The branch consists of 100 in the Branch and only 25-30 attend each week. There are 2 Melchizedek Priesthood and the Branch President, Pres. Perez, does not have counselors. The Elders Quorum President, Erik Reyes, teaches Sunday School, Priesthood and when the Relief Society President show; he also combines Priesthood and RS to teach one lesson. They are as loving group of people; we have felt so welcomed.

Leaving Church today, there was a group of people in the streets dressed in costume along with masks. Music was being played and people were coming from all directions. The streets are not wide enough for two cars let alone one. There must have been a celebration taking place because of the music and all the people. There were 3 or 4 others with different masks on other men. Great snap shot of one costume.

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