Sunday, December 11, 2011

On the Road!!

Every time you travel there is a Kodak moment just waiting to be captured. You see men and women carrying heavy loads on their heads or backs. They were blessed with strong legs and backs. This gentleman and sons (a young son in front of him carrying about the same amount) are walking up a steep hill.

Leaving Quetzaltenango, I saw two loads of cornstalks walking down the road. You have to look closely to see if there is a body connected to the stalks. I instructed Elder Johnson to make a U turn for this photo. They are amazing and industrious people.

Notice the Christmas tree on the top of this ladies head and the children being carried on their backs.

1 comment:

  1. I thought Craig was strong when he would pull out our Christmas tree from the forest after cutting it down. These people are amazing, what an experience for you, love from the Perry's in Orem.
