Saturday, December 31, 2011

Favorites of 2010

Service Project - Christmas Eve Day

Christmas Eve morning -LeeAnn invited us to join her and her ward Young Women to assemble 100 maternity kits. The YW will deliver about 20 kits each week to the Maternidad Hospital. Sister Beathy's daughter furnished the bags, tee shirt and diapers. A Sister from LeeAnn's ward made 100 receiving blankets, and another Sister in here ward, who is blind, knit 100 hats for the kits. Not a YW showed up but there was two return missionaries and two of the friends that were so excited about helping us. Karin. YW President and Jasmine from the ward also assisted us.

Giving service is the greatest gift that an individual can do. Service requires very little of our time. Let your eyes, heart and mind find the acts of kindness that surrounds us hourly and daily and act upon those inclinations.

Elder Johnson felt the worker's needed a car for their efforts this morning. They were so excited to receive one of our cars. These small cars have brought so many smiles and surprise from the recipients.

Christmas Traditions

Johnson Christmas Tradition - Santa always stops at the Johnson's Christmas Eve to visit with the children and grandchildren. Even in Guatemala the Johnson's arranged for Santa to visit with some of the grandchildren. Matt Olsen family and Jared Johnson family were not in place where we could Skype so the younger ones had the visit from Saint Nick. Leah was having a slight 'attitude' because she just woke up but Trindon seemed to be intrigued with Santa. Caitlin and Shae loved seeing Santa too, although they were just a little timid to converse with him.

Santa visiting with Dakoda via Skype. He's not sure of what he is seeing on the computer screen. Great photo!!

Elder and Sister Call were asked to play Santa and Mrs. Claus at the CCM this evening for all the missionaries. They said the missionaries were just like little children and so excited to sit on Santa's lap. There was one missionary from the Dominican Republic expressed it was the best Christmas he has ever had and the first time he has ever received a gift. You never know the circumstances and family conditions these young missionaries come from. When you hear stories like this, we should all be grateful for the bounty of blessings we have in our lives. The Call's certainly made their evening. Games were played, lots of food and ending with a visit from Santa.

Posada is a re-enacting the sojourn of Joseph and Mary searching for sanctuary wandering through the neighborhoods in the evening accompanied by music and song. This tradition takes place every evening during the month of December. A family member or neighbor welcomes Mary and Joseph in where they celebrate and the We witnessed this Posada in Antiqua. It's been interesting to be in a Christian Nation during this Holiday season. It may be politically incorrect to wish people in the U.S. a "Merry Christmas" or place a nativity scene or reference to diety on public property, there is no such thing in Guatemala. Reference to the Savior is publicly displayed - signs sponsored by local merchants expressing gratitude for to see.

The most interesting traditions that we enjoyed was the City's tradition of welcoming the Savior with light and sounds. "Coyetes" go on sale weeks before Christmas and you hear booms and blasts throughout the season. At the stroke of midnight on Christmas Eve, the entire city lights up with fireworks. If you want to see what I am talking about - go to Youtube for Guatemala Fireworks. It is unbelievable and undescribable how the city lights up in every direction. We celebrated Christmas Eve on the 17th floor of a high rise witnessing a spectacular display.

Birthdays are celebrated by setting off fireworks too. Our first few nights in Guatemala we thought we were near an artillery range. There were booms all night long into the wee hours of the day.

Church Wide Dental Retreat - Antiqua

Elder Call decided the entire staff ( since there are only 2 dentists world wide and two assistants) of the Church-wide dental staff should have a retreat to discuss dental issues and concerns. He chose Antiqua for our retreat. Great choice. Antiqua is less than an hour's drive west of Guatemala City. Old colonial capital, the third most important city in the Americas until it was destroyed by earthquake and flood in 1773. It is carefully preserved to look like a typical Spanish colonial city of the 17th century. Famous for its jade factories. We visited two Jade museums. There are two types of Jade - Jadite - the strongest of the two which can only be found in Guatemala and Nepite - found in other parts of the world. Beautiful jewelry ... You never know what lies behind the old doors, or plaster peeling form the buildings. The outside of the hotel did not reflect what would see on the inside. So quaint, serene, beautiful flowers

A view of our balcony just outside our room. Here we discussed dental concerns, read, and played cards in the evening. Enjoyable weekend and well deserved.

Night lights in Antiqua - fountain in the Center of Central Park. We walked around the Central Park taking in all the Christmas lights, excitement of the night life - telling vendors - NO NO to their insistence to buy their goods. They are out in numbers for all the tourists.
A night view of our balcony. We arrived late to Antiqua and so we enjoyed all the lights of the city.

Cathedral located across from the Central Park area.

Arch way that separated the Convent and the Monast many year's ago.

Our room at the hotel - so quaint, peaceful and relaxing.

A picturesque view of the volcano from our balcony.

Two car parking space at the hotel. Where can you park a car that ends up in the sitting area for breakfast/courtyard. It was a snug fit for Elder Call to park his car.

Street Sights of Antiqua

Taxi - Taxi - Take us to The Apple Factory. Now this was a ride - bumps and all!!!!

The Apple Factory on the outskirts os Antiqua. Some of the finest wood items made. Many of the Senior Couples visit this family owned factory. He not only sold wood items, but sweatshirts too.

Shopping for wood items. Elder Call's has visited this family that makes all sorts of wood items. Craftsmanship at it's finest. Elder Johnson walked out their with a car.

Manual labor at it's finest. These men were laying a cobblestone road by hand all down this street. Where would you find this in the U.S. They are not afraid of labor. They take pride in their work.

After a day of visiting Jade Museums, shopping and just walking all over the town, we decided a 'cultural experience' was needed. Elder Call took us to the San Damingo Hotel. You know the old saying "you can't judge a book by it's cover", well this was true to the hotel we went too. On the outside, just like all the city walls and old doors, you never know what you will find on the inside. This was an old convenient at one time and was renovated to become a 5 star hotel. The grounds, greenery, existing walls and pictures from the convenient were breathtaking. i've never seen such a fabulous resort. This evening we splurged to enjoy a 9 course meal. The food was divine!!! The Dental Clinic Retreat ended with CLASS...

We carry cars with us at all times just in case we have a opportunity to hand them out. Elders' Johnson and Call left a few cars in the nursery at Church. The little girl was just a little timid and/or apprehensive (by looking at her expression) about what they were leaving. Pictures tell a thousand words!!

We attended Church in Antiqua and it was a much larger ward than our small Branch in Los Lomas. The outside of the Church was this bright yellow wall and we almost missed the Church sign. Every Church is behind walls with sliding doors that lock during Church. Headed back to Guatemala City after Scarament meeting. Our relaxing weekend at such a beautiful city, Antiqua, has come to a close.