Monday, March 26, 2012

Return to Quezaltenango - FM Screenings

Quezaltenango requested for a return visit to screen another 20-25 future missionaries on Saturday, March 25, 2012. We left a day early so could make a couple of stops that are on our 'bucket list' of things to see in Guatemala. First stop, the black beach in San Jose. Another Senior Couple told us to find the Mayan Hotel for lunch and it is right on the beach. Great lunch - unique hotel rooms and located right on the beach.

Never seen a beach so cluttered with garbage - very few people there on a Friday. Elder & Sister Bower came the next day and said it was wall to wall people. There day at the beach lasted about 10 minutes. San Jose known for it's black sand and this is a stop for the cruise lines. We went to the Porto San Jose and a Holland American cruise ship was docked.

Next stop Santa Lucia - Museo de Cultura Cotzumalguapa - has a fiberglass replica of of Monument 21 from the Bilbao archaeological site nearby. President Clate Mask, Guatemala Temple President, feels the stone may represent the descent of the 'seven tribes' of the Mayas - perhaps those listed in Jacob 1:13 and elsewhere.

Stalea 21 -Stone representing the 'seven tribes'.

A small chapel located across from the Museo. Couldn't resist going across the street to take a peek. Such a curious person but a great find in the chapel.
Insdie the chapel was a Samana Santa platform that people pay to carry during Holy Week. It is an honor for them to be in the procession. They put replicas of Christ and Mary on these platforms. You can not believe how solid and heavy these platforms are and to think people pay to carry them on Good Friday. They have as many as 20 on each side with 2 or 3 people on the front and back.

Inside the chapel was a Samana Santa platform that people pay to carry during the Holy Week procession. It is an honor for them to participate. They put replicas of Christ and/or Mary on these platforms. you can not believe how solid and heavy these platforms are without the replicas. They have as many as 20 on each side with 2 or 3 people on the front and back. They do have a leather

In preparation for Good Friday and their celebration you would find alters setup outside the homes.

Saturday morning in Quezaltenango - arrived at the Chapel and found some of the FM's were waiting for someone to open the gates. Our starting time was 8:00 a.m. but apparently no one was there to open up the gates. A member happened to drive by on his way to the temple when he saw us standing outside. Again we didn't have as many FM's to screen but well worth our time and effort.

Future missionary being check by Dr. Johnson - Bishop's son and of course he received a car.

Bishop Caberraze brought is young people and stayed with them all morning. A dedicated Bishop that has the youth best interest in mind. He followed through bringing his 12 futures for screenings. Because of his dedication and love, the effort was well worth the drive. No other ward or the other stake showed up.

We locked the keys in the car waiting for Dr. Call to finish with the Sister Missionaries. It started raining so Dr. Call walked a 1/2 block to a car dealership (just happens that a member of the Church worked there and gave him an umbrella for his return to the Church). He arranged for a locksmith to help get us on our way. We were scheduled to do a temple session at 1:00 p.m. but we missed that and ended going around 4:00 p.m. We stayed overnight because it was too late to head back to Guatemala City.

Sunday morning looking for a church to attend and we spotted this young mother and girls that looked like Mormons so we followed them. We asked her if she was Mormon, her answer was yes. We continued to follow them and finally we decided we would let them ride with us. There walk to Church was quite some distance - probably about a mile. Everyone at Church greeted us with embraces and a warm welcome. Great meeting. They confirmed 4 new members in Scarament mtg.

Elder Johnson had to leave some cars for this Primary Class before we left.

Kodak moment - while stopped at the stop light I noticed this young boy sitting all alone. Priceless expression...

It was a must to return to the corner and give the boy a car. His mother was on the street washing windows while cars were stopped at the stoplight.

A picture tells it all.............

1 comment:

  1. Those cars bring a smile in every language! We love them!
