Friday, March 16, 2012

Future Missionary Screenings

Brother Perez from Quezaltanago requested we make a sight visit to screen about 30-40 future missionaries on February 19, 2012. After Church, we headed for Xela (short for Quezalt) a 3 - 4 hour drive throught the beautiful agriculture valley to our destination. The Area Travel department made room reservations for us at Hotel Bonifar located right next to the community square. Lovely accommodations and so close to the market area and town square. We settled ourselves in to our rooms and then went walking around town.

Vendors making and selling all their speciality items were lined up and down the street. Dr. Call couldn't resist buying this lady's food. It almost tasted like a scone but the best part was watching here put her hand in the pan, getting the right amount of dough; rolling the dough on the side of the pan (never looking at what she was doing) and then placing in the hot grease. Everything is put into grease. It didn't taste too bad. Our next stop was to purchase Papa fritas (french fries) also soaked in grease but they were might tasty.

Every Sunday in the town square in every community they have music in the park. Tonight they not only had music but dancing too. Don't ask the significance of the dancers costumes, they were colorful and frightening at the same time. Fun evening watching the people and dancing to the music. It's definately family oriented every Sunday evening.

Monday, February 20, 2012, today we set up to screen future missionaries. They told us there would be around 30-40 young men and women to see but we ended up with 14 which was ok. Elder Johnson & Elder Call would screen patients and Dr. Johnson would take the x-rays and Elder Call would review the x-rays and talk about the treatment plan. Hermana Call and Johnson are the scribes for the docs. These young men had lots of treatment that needed to be completed so we were pleased not all showed up. We were disappointed at first but afterwards it was ok. They will be scheduled for the dental clinic where the treatment is completed.

Coatepeque Future Missionary Screenings - February 26, 2012. Once again, we were asked to come to completed screenings for future mssionaries. Brother Lopez arranged for our accommodations and coordinating with the young people. Our ride to Coatepeque was new territory to see. Their main industry was rubber trees, banana plantations, and sugar cane as far as you could see on both sides of the road. Brother Lopez arranged for us to stay at Hotel Baechli - room rate $18.00 per night. The couple that owns the hotel has provided rooms for missionaries for over 50 years.

This is our $18.00 room - fairly clean. Breakfast was included in the rate. At breakfast Monday morning was interesting, while eating I watched tiny ants chasing each other around inside the sugar bowl. We were served mush in a mug and believe it or not it was quite tasty - the scrambled eggs, black beans were just ok. The bed and pillow was soooooo hard it was difficult to have a good night sleep. It was sleeping on the floor but the best part was on Monday morning at breakfast.

This is the shower - only one tap - you turn on the tap, flip a switch on side of the shower and supposedly hot water comes - not so. Of course, Elder Johnson sent me in first to test the waters. I felt like I was back at girls camp, I've never had a colder shower. Great way to wake up. We never did figure out how to work the water.

Just a little out of order, but, this is Elder Call reviewing the x-rays. Elder Call and Johnson would screen the patients, Elder Johnson took the x-rays and Elder Call would review them with the young man/woman. Hermana Johnson & Call would be the scribes once again.

When we arrived in town, Brother Lopez invited us to join the Missionary Prep Class this evening. We settled in and then headed to the Church. There were 25 young people in attendance. The teachers were fantsastic - return missionaries. After the class, there were about 14 that could not return on Monday for their screening so we consented to see them this evening. On Monday, we saw another 10 so it was a good we could see most of them Sunday evening. This gave us an early departure so we wouldn't be too late getting home.

Elder Johnson loves giving out his cars. The young children love to receive a gift.

We saw this little boy across the street from the Church as we were leaving so we couldn't resist taking a car to him. A successful trip to Coatepeque. Now we will schedule them for the clinic which will be tons of work but that's why we are here. They travel so far that we feel all the works needs to be complete the day they come.

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