Friday, March 16, 2012

La Reunion - Golf Resort

Elder Herb & Hermana Vicky Wallace invited the Johnson's to join them for a golf weekend on February 9-11, 2012 and of course we said yes. Our destination was LaReunion Golf Resort about 20 minutes on the outskits of Antiqua. First we had lunch at El Tenador located on the hill overlooking Antiqua. The resturant is part of San Domingo Hotel & Resturant in Antiqua.

The grounds had some of the most unique pieces of art.

La Reunion - our destination for the next couple of days. After we arrived, the rain started and I've never seen it rain so hard so quickly. We waited in the lobby for about a half hour until the rain stopped before we could see our cottage. Beautiful setting for a golf resort. It is located between four volcanoes: Fuego (active), Acatenango, Agua and Pacaya (active).

Our room for the next two evenings. Beautiful rooms with a spectacular view of Pacaya and Aqua volcano. All cottages have their own swimming pool and hot tub.

The rain covered this course Thursday evening and we thought there was no way it would be dry enough to play the next morning. We watched a group of caddies playing in the rain and they were drenched. When they hit the ball, you couldn't see the ball but you could see water flying.

Pacaya (active) volcano. There are 38 volcanos in Central American and three are still active with two of them in this area. One of excursions will be to hike Pacaya one day. They say, you take marshmellows with you and roast them when you get to the top. Pacaya is on our 'bucket list'.

Fuego volcano (active) LaRunion was once a coffee plantation that is now the home of a golf course.

Pete Dye and Associates designed this course. It covers 1,385 acres. 18 hole course, 72 par. On a clear day, they say you can see the Pacific coast. The name "Fuego Maya" Golf Course originated from the notable and amazing symphony between playing golf and follwing the steps of the sun by using the acient Solar Maya Calendar. We were told the course holds the similarities between the ancient Mayan calendar and the game of golf. This calendar consists 19 months, 18 months of 20 days and 1 month of 5 days. The first 9 months follows the su's path moving north (Tropic of Cancer) and the other 9 months follows the sun's path moving south (Tropic of Capricorn). The last 5-day month, called Wayeb (similar to the 19th hole) is to prepare next year's journey. The course is very challenging.

The Wallace's and the Johnson's ready for a fun day of golf.

All players are requried to have a caddy. Our caddy, Leddy, helped us so much during the day. She would pull out the club you needed, wiped your clubs/balls and even 'fetched' lost balls.

Great day of golf. Our couple of days at LaReunion was an expensive trip but well worth the money.

On our way home from LaReunion, we stopped at Antiqua for a day of shopping and just seeing the sights. You can see beggers on every corner. The sight breaks your heart. We visited the Saturday market that was swarming with people. Great fun to be right in the middle of all the confusion.

Another shopping area where the local women sell their hand embrodiery aprons and Huipils.

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