Sunday, March 18, 2012

Market Day - The Terminal

Friday, 16 March 2012 - Shopping at the Terminal Market. The Call's invited me to join them for a cultural experience this morning - 7:30 a.m. Elder Johnson is golfing today so he is missing out on our fun experience. The Terminal is located in Zona 1; the area they tell us not to visit. The Sister Missionaries in the Call's ward told him about the Terminal so of course we had to see for ourselves. The market opens at 4:00 a.m. and goes until 7:00 p.m. I could not even imagine loading and reloading all the produce you see on the streets that runs for several blocks. Streets are so crowded with vehicles, trucks, people, vendors selling the fruits, veggies and everything else from bags, tolietries, shoes, and etc. We had such a delightful time just watching the people and checking out all the different vendors. Not all vendors sell at the same price and when they see a 'gringo' here comes another 'sucker'. We

No need for words with the following 'kodak' moments - priceless pictures that tell it all:

With purchases in hand (watermelons, cucumbers, zucchni, raddishes, pineapple,potted flowers, squash, and lots of pictures) and Dr. Call ready to leave 2 hours later, we headed back to the apartment. P-Day today, one that we haven't had in quite sometime. Disinfect the purchases, make caramel popcorn for the Senior Couple Game Night tonight (in our apartment), do a little cleaning and washing to complete my P-day. Fun Day!! There will be a revisit in a couple of weeks for more wonderful veggies & fruits. The watermelon and pineapple are the best ever!!!

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