Friday, March 16, 2012

Copan Ruins

Our first trip to cross the border into Honduras on February 23-25, 2012. Denton & Kay Rogers, serving at the CCM, and the Johnson's & Call's needed a R&R. Our destination is Copan Ruins. After Tikal and El Mirador, all the books say Copan would be the next Mayan site you'd want to see. The scenery along the road was more like Arizona, dry and cactus. There was farming along the way but not as green and lush as other areas. The roads were fairly good until we came close to the border. For some reason, Central American loves their Tumulos (speed bumps) and they are not marked clearly. We arrived late and was glad to see our hotel - Don Udos. First picture is the hotel courtyard. We had the best steak ever tonight - garlic butter seasoning and so tender.

Copan Ruins - As you enter the ruins you are greeted by the McCaw. To the Mayan culture, the McCaw colors represent - red - for the blood of life; blue the sky and yellow the sun. The ancient city of Copan was one of the most important urban centers of the Mayan civilization. Copan symbol of the bat. It flourished during the 7th Century.

Ball Court - 2nd largest found in Central America. The best player from the winning team is scarificed after the game. This is considered an honor for the chosen one.

Hieroglyphic Staircase today.

Hieroglyphic Stairway - most famous 63 steps and several thousand glyphs telling the history of the roy house of Copan. It is the longest known text of ancient Mayan civilization. The steps have fallen out of place and those replaced have not been replaced accurately so the exact meaning is undeciferable.

Residence of the Royal

Alter Q - most elaborate example of Mayan artwork found on the side. Historical document that depicts 16 known Kings of Copan carved in stone.

If you look closely you will see the Star of David.

Twisted Tanya's for dinner after a long, hot day at the ruins. After seeing the ruins we walked around town to see the sights; did a little shopping then back to our rooms for a rest before dining. Twisted Tanya's served delicious food.

View from our table at Twisted Tanya's resturant. This is an electrians nightmare. You should see some of the mega strands of wire surrounding some of the poles through out the country.


  1. Beautiful photos! We love keeping up with what you are doing!

  2. Shae says, "whoa!". She thinks your pictures are awesome!

  3. Beautiful photos. I didn’t check out the tunnels when I was there. I kind of wish I had. We totally tried to bribe the guy who was guarding the gate to let us both in for $10. No joy. Since when can't you bribe someone in CA? Maybe next time. Copan was by far the favorite of all the ruins we visited in CA.
