Sunday, July 8, 2012

R & R - Senior Couples

July 5, 2012 - 
 R & R for Senior Couples... This is our way of celebrating the 4th of July.  Believe it or not, we took a 2 day P-Day.   Tenedor/Cominaro  (Fork in the Road) Restaurant - overlooking Antigua. Fabulous lunch before heading to LaReunion - 14 miles from Antigua. A weekend of golf, swimming, game night, more food and relaxing.  Stopped in Antigua on the way home for some shopping time and more food at Monoloco (Crazy Monkey),  fabulous nachos & lemonade.
They have the best hamburgers & fries.   We had our 4th of July BBQ  here !
Group photo - they all reside at Victoria Suites except the Nicolaysen's - great friends.
Games both nights - Drake's (front) James' (in the blue) & Nicolaysen's (at the back - CCM Pres.)
Johnson's front, LeeAnn Call (R of AL) & Wayne & DeeDee Wilcox's  (3rd Dentist)
No game night for them -' party poopers' - Dr. Call (arms folded) & Dick & Paula Spencer
Golfing group -- three wives did not golf...
Jennifer & Olga, our caddies, holding Dr. Call - "I know I can get my ball"

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