Saturday, July 7, 2012

Los Lomas Relief Society Activity

May 26, 2012 - This is the first Relief Society Activity we've had since being in the Las Lomas Branch.   We were so excited to have Vilma (kneeling) RS Pres. plan an activity for the sisters.   They demonstrated how to make Pollo Pie.   Sister Perez, our Primary Pres. is assisting her.
Elder Garcia just had to get in the picture.   Sophie and Daniella are enjoying watching Sister Garcia roll the dough with a glass jar.
Each sister was involved some way with the activity.  Every sister who attended brought an item for the pie.   Sister Hernandez, is not a member of the church but attends regularly.   Her three children were recently baptized.  The little ones loved watching.

Guate's have more patience.   They all patiently waited for the finished product so they could have a taste.  You can see it was not just sisters, many attended.
President Vilma holding the finish product.

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