Friday, July 13, 2012

Los Pititos Kids

This is a return visit to the clinic for our sweet Pititos children.  Their first visit was somewhat hectic because when one started crying, it set off 2 or 3 others.  You can see the darling boy with his hand over his mouth.  He was a challenge to treat; only a couple of procedures completed.   Doc J. and Cindi an assistant at the office.
Kids love having us blow up the gloves, add a painted face and let them play.
Omar was trying to help Doc J. play solitaire by pushing the keys.   Notice the cars made from our garage.   Each child receives a toothbrush and regalo (gift) after their treatment.
It was a wild morning.  We completed our treatments 1 1/2 hours before the bus would return to pick them up.   The poor teacher that accompanied them lost control.  Dr. Call and I played games, he read a book to them, I pulled out the stickers so they could decorate the cars but ended up being decorated myself.   Fun morning!!!
We feel so blessed to help these precious children by improving their dental health, getting them out of pain and starting them on a new track of dental awareness.  As young as they are, their teeth have rotted to the gum line and non restorable.  We remove those that have fistulated (accessed).  

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