Monday, July 2, 2012

"Let's Get Healthy" - Las Lomas Branch

Las Lomas Activity - Let's Get Healthy
May 26, 2012
Elder's  Rasmussen, Batres & Garcia gave a presentation on the Word of Wisdom.  Like all our activities, we start an hour late with a few people and mid-way more show up. 

My part was showing them how to brush and floss.   Some of the boys helps with the demonstration.   As you can see, they are to look like teeth.  While I was brushing & flossing, Elder Johnson was outside  cooking.   60 Toothbrushes were given to the members. 

Hermana Jensen, our nurse for the South Mission, gave her presentation on eating healthy and other topics.   She had the kids participate in a few games while the hot dogs were being cooked.
Another successful evening with our Branch members.   Our Chapel also becomes the cultural hall.  After the games, we feed them a healthy meal of hot dogs, chips, fruit and pop.  They love hot dogs!!! Our chefs BBQ approximately 120 hot dogs.  Too busy to take photo of the chef's cooking outside in the rain.

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