Friday, July 13, 2012

Children of the 'Garbage Dwellers'

July 11, 2012
Our hearts were touched by the young children we treated this morning.   They are children of the 'Garbage Dwellers'.  They live at the garbage dump and their parents gather garbage to survive.   The gentleman on the back row in the light blue shirt is their principal.  They attend a school that has two classes; one for the children who can read a little and the other for those who cannot.   It is funded by donations.   The school feeds them breakast and lunch.  They attend this school for one year and if they progress in the basics, they are transferred to another school the following year.  If not, they do not attend the following year.   Jacqueline, our newly graduated dentist from Guatemala that works in the clinic 2 days a week coordinated the clinic visit.  She is teaching them oral hygiene.
Before the group left the clinic, one young man said a prayer and all the children repeated after him.  After he finished, the principal said a prayer thanking us for taking care of these children and blessed us for our endeavors of giving service to those in need. This is just one of the many touching experiences we've felt in giving serving to others.
When screening these children, we were amazed at how clean and how little work needed to be completed.  We decided they didn't have access to all the sugar and pop most of the other children received on a daily basis.  
Doc J. and Cindi - they are best buddies.   Cindi and the Doc have solotaire competitions. 
This young boy was intriqued with looking at his teeth.   They were all curious about everything in the clinic.   Two young girls kept pushing each other around the room on the assistant chair; so distracting when trying to work but were having fun.
Our youngest patient, 2 years old.  His four upper anteriors were so infected and the teeth were down to the gum line.   Dr. Call helped Doc J. out by taking over the patient.  We all thought he would put up a fuss when trying to anesthesized him.   He was amazing, not a sound out of him.   His four teeth were removed without incident.   The mother, however, had tears all through the procedure.   
Everything is a team effort; Cindi (L), Doc.J., Jacqueline, Dr. Call and mother of the young boy.  About 30 minutes after removing his teeth, he was in the waiting area eating chips.  Five will return in October to have their work completed plus another six who could didn't make it this morning to be screened and treated.  Our schedule was booked out that far; you can understand how busy we are everyday.   'Count your many blessings' is what we do at the end of everyday.    

Los Pititos Kids

This is a return visit to the clinic for our sweet Pititos children.  Their first visit was somewhat hectic because when one started crying, it set off 2 or 3 others.  You can see the darling boy with his hand over his mouth.  He was a challenge to treat; only a couple of procedures completed.   Doc J. and Cindi an assistant at the office.
Kids love having us blow up the gloves, add a painted face and let them play.
Omar was trying to help Doc J. play solitaire by pushing the keys.   Notice the cars made from our garage.   Each child receives a toothbrush and regalo (gift) after their treatment.
It was a wild morning.  We completed our treatments 1 1/2 hours before the bus would return to pick them up.   The poor teacher that accompanied them lost control.  Dr. Call and I played games, he read a book to them, I pulled out the stickers so they could decorate the cars but ended up being decorated myself.   Fun morning!!!
We feel so blessed to help these precious children by improving their dental health, getting them out of pain and starting them on a new track of dental awareness.  As young as they are, their teeth have rotted to the gum line and non restorable.  We remove those that have fistulated (accessed).  

Sunday, July 8, 2012

R & R - Senior Couples

July 5, 2012 - 
 R & R for Senior Couples... This is our way of celebrating the 4th of July.  Believe it or not, we took a 2 day P-Day.   Tenedor/Cominaro  (Fork in the Road) Restaurant - overlooking Antigua. Fabulous lunch before heading to LaReunion - 14 miles from Antigua. A weekend of golf, swimming, game night, more food and relaxing.  Stopped in Antigua on the way home for some shopping time and more food at Monoloco (Crazy Monkey),  fabulous nachos & lemonade.
They have the best hamburgers & fries.   We had our 4th of July BBQ  here !
Group photo - they all reside at Victoria Suites except the Nicolaysen's - great friends.
Games both nights - Drake's (front) James' (in the blue) & Nicolaysen's (at the back - CCM Pres.)
Johnson's front, LeeAnn Call (R of AL) & Wayne & DeeDee Wilcox's  (3rd Dentist)
No game night for them -' party poopers' - Dr. Call (arms folded) & Dick & Paula Spencer
Golfing group -- three wives did not golf...
Jennifer & Olga, our caddies, holding Dr. Call - "I know I can get my ball"

Kodak Moments

Fuego letting off steam
Siesta Time
This is her residence - on our clinic street.
Help!  Let me out...
Rain birdie, a plastic bottle upside down with holes on the bottom.
Local milkman - usually four other goats with him each morning.  Fill the glass - deliver to the door.
Doc J now doing podiatry work on the missionaries!
Elder Rutger from Spanish Fork

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Puerto Barrios Remote Site -

June 6, 2012- On the road for another 'remote site clinic' in Puerto Barrios that is about 6 hours away from Guatemala city.   Amatique Bay Resort and Marina a beautiful resort located on the Atlantic Ocean.   

Elder Johnson & the Wilcox's walking to our rooms.   Beautiful grounds and surroundings.  In the evenings you could see fire flies that sparkled in the grass.  Never seen a fire fly before our stay in Puerto Barrios - an amazing sight.   Hot and humid area, we thought we would melt.
Light house look out over the Atlantic Ocean.   Off to the right is a white sandy beach for guests at the resort.   Beautiful grounds, enjoyable pool/water park area for guests.   This is where Elder Johnson slipped on the platform due to last night's rain fall and injured his leg.  

Sunday evening Elder Johnson and the local missionaries helping to setup the clinic for Monday morning.   On Monday we saw about 14 future missionaries and completed their work plus missionaries.
David Call - son of Elder & Sister Call.   He was our technical expert for the trip.
Elder & Sister Wilcox plus one of the local missionaries.
Sister Johnson put the missionaries right to work.   Many hands made our work lighter.
These two Sisters helped us for the three days sterilizing all our instruments.  
During our three day stay, we saw 97 patients.  The first day was designated for futures.  Second and third day were set aside for members.   The second day we started at 8:00 a.m. and ended around 6:00 p.m. - long day.  
At the end of the second day, there was thunder/lighting and heavy rain fall causing the power to go out.   We finished our last patient in the dark.  
Thanks to the members below our remote site clinic was a success and well organized.  The needs of the members were completely different than our remote site in Senahu.   The members needs in the hills were far greater than members from the city.  Two extremely different clinics
The gentleman on the left is District President Morales along with one of  his counselors.   The counselor helped us everyday with crowd control, interpreter, provided lunch for us each day and all other requests.  

Los Lomas Relief Society Activity

May 26, 2012 - This is the first Relief Society Activity we've had since being in the Las Lomas Branch.   We were so excited to have Vilma (kneeling) RS Pres. plan an activity for the sisters.   They demonstrated how to make Pollo Pie.   Sister Perez, our Primary Pres. is assisting her.
Elder Garcia just had to get in the picture.   Sophie and Daniella are enjoying watching Sister Garcia roll the dough with a glass jar.
Each sister was involved some way with the activity.  Every sister who attended brought an item for the pie.   Sister Hernandez, is not a member of the church but attends regularly.   Her three children were recently baptized.  The little ones loved watching.

Guate's have more patience.   They all patiently waited for the finished product so they could have a taste.  You can see it was not just sisters, many attended.
President Vilma holding the finish product.