Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Smiles in Central American Humanitarian Group

Smiles in Central American Humanitarian group (Brigada) organized by David Sheet of Orem arrived in Guatemala on April 27 - May 3, 2012.  David has brought 23 different groups to Central American over the years.   This is not a small group of individuals who want to provide humanitarian services throughout the country.  For many in this group, this is not there first time here.  This group consisted of: 30 dentists, assistants, 6 oral surgeons, 4 endodontists, 1 anesthesiologist, 4 physicians (Dr. Flinders & Lynn), 1 lunch lady (but he was a man) and many others totaling 130 people.  They turned the chapel and cultural hall into the xray area, dental clinic. 
Cleaning of the instrutments took place in the kitchen.
Their setup was unbelieveable - courtyard turned into the sterilization area.  You can see the camp stoves hooked to propane tanks; huge compressors were located behind the sterilizing area.  It took three days to set up.  They had surgery areas in the Relief Society room and on the stage.  You can not believe the setup for the 'Brigada'.  
Future Missionaries would register in the foyer; move to another room for a hair cut, next photo time; blood work completed; physical exam; x-rays, wait for long periods of time to get their dental work completed; wisdom teeth removed; and finally, pick up a white shirt, tie, toothbrush, paste, floss, hair brush (not sure what they gave the future sisters) and then out the door.  It was a long day for the youth.  Below, they are waiting for their x-rays.
Pres. Martino asked us to keep our schedule open for the 5 days in case they needed to bring patients to the clinic.  We left our schedule open but only saw 6 patients on Friday.  They asked Doc and I to assist in taking x-rays on two different days.  They saw 735 patients in the 5 days but they expected around 1200.  We were glad to get back to our quiet Dental Clinc on Friday; too many people all at once.   

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