Friday, May 4, 2012

Johnson Family Visit

April 7, 2012 - Our first visitors...Jared, Shar, Bridger & Cayden.  We sent them a craving list such as brown licorce, Hot Tamales, cinnamon bears, that you can't find here.  They overwhelmed us by packing a good supply for us.   Hopefully, it will last longer than a couple of months.  We're excited to show them the sights of Guatemala and give them a feel of  what we experience.
Friday was seeing the sights of Guatemala City; shopping at the Airport Market and the Terminal in Zona 1.  The Terminal is a large veggie market, and other items.   Because of Holy Week the Terminal was not the hectic place it normally is on Friday & Saturday.   It wasn't wall to vendors, people, trucks and etc.  Great place for them to see where the locals shop and sell their produce.  
Elder Bear was excited about being able to travel with us.   
Sunday is inserted between Friday and Saturday, OOPS!!!  I know your not supposed to take pictures in church but couldn't resist.  Bridger & Cayden passing the sacrament.  They endured the 3 hours not understanding a word that was said.  
Saturday afternoon (pictures are out of order but here goes the story.  Elder Gramps and I wanted the family to experience two family visits from our Branch today.   We picked up  Elder Walker & Elder Gracia, took them to lunch and then went visiting.  Our first family was the Hernandez Family (below).  Very humble circumstances, six in the family and a one room casa (home).  We visited for a while and then the missionaries gave a lesson.   The father is a member of 30 years but inactive until just recently.  During the lesson, the missionaries had Bridger and Cayden read their favorite scripture in Spanish and tell why it was their favorite.  Elder Walker translated for them.   We were so proud of the boys.   You could feel the spirit during our visit.  The three boys decided they wanted to be baptized the following Saturday.  The sister is also wanting to be baptized - that may come in a couple of months.  Our next family was Condito's family.   Condito Garcia Family was so excited to see us.  We had a great visit.  Before we left, Condito wanted us to sing 'Called to Serve' and asked Bridger to give the prayer.  He gave the most beautiful prayer.   Condito made the comment, he felt the spirit and sincerity Bridger's prayer even though there was a communication barrier.  The boys indicated this day was their most memorable experience.
In front of the Guatemala Palace, we visited the Cathedral and Central Market.  These are the major stops in Zona 1.  Bridger shopped for a girl friend but couldn't find what he wanted for the other girl friend.  Fun experience at the market.
Cayden shopped on the streets to find just the right soccer shirt. 
Mom and Bridger giving their approval of the shirt and wishing they would hurry and decide so we could get something to eat.
Lunch at Tacontento - great food and drinks.  Believe it or not, it did fill up the boys bottomless stomaches.  They are growing boys!
Visited the Dental Cinic...
Grandpa did some sealants for Cayden and Bridger assisted for a short time.  His having too much fun and not paying attention, therefore, he was released from his duties and Gram's took over.
Photo Op with some of the girls.  They loved being next to the 'giants'.  They always love their picture taken with visitors.
Next stop - Relief Map show the terran of Guatemala.   Fascinating structure...
Dinner with Trey, Jessic, Jillyann, (Jared's DEA friend) and Elder & Hermana Call.  Trey enlightened us  on what the DEA is involved with in Guatemala and outlying areas.
Antiqua on Monday - Antiqua Central Market area.   The boys gave some cars away while shopping.  Shar found a few treasures to take home.
Toured the Antiqua Cathedral - these are the remains of the original Cathedral.  Interesting tour - massive Cathedral at one time.
Rest stop at McDonald's  - not your typical McDonalds.  
Tuk Tuk ride to Finca Filadelfia - Coffee Plantation in Antiqua.  Beautiful area - too late to take a tour of the plantation.  We did our sightseeing in Antiqua one day.
On our way to Lake Atitlan - our next stop- when we would see little boys we'd stop to pass out cars.  It was such fun for the boys and all of us to see their faces light up.
Lake Atitlan - a beautiful resort located on the lake.  We took advantage of the good weather and the pool.   Spent alot of time at the pool visiting and catching up on family happenings.  Wednesday, we visited the Butterfly farm while waiting for our turn on the Zip Line located behind the hotel.
Everyone harnessed up and ready for a fun morning on the zip line.   This was a first for the Johnson Family and a second time on this line for Gramps and Gram.   Bridger was impressed that we would go with them.   What they didn't realize is we love the zip line.  It's about a 15-20 minute hike to the first station and up hill, but we made it just fine.   It was a great walk seeing the monkeys, waterfall and coffee plants.  Fun time on the zip line.
Last day at Lake Atitlan was overcast both days but still relaxing to spend at the pool.   The volcanoes were not clearly visible most of the time.  It's the most peaceful place ever.
Last photo op for the family before we left the lake. The gardens were so colorful.
Last stop before reaching Guatemala City, Iximche Ruins.  None of the history was in English, like  normal, so we didn't get a real feel of the history of the runis.    
We discovered a scarifical area at the runis.  When we found it, a local family had just completed their ritual for thankfulness and/or asking for a bountious harvest or whatever.  You can see the fire still burning and the alter decorated with flowers and candles.  
They were giving thanks aloud at the alter.  They had placed watermelon, pineapple, eggs, and other vegetables on ledge in front of them.   There were swarms of wasps buzzing around the alter.  They were probably giving thanks for a bounteous harvest to come or one they've had (just guessing on my part).  Most interesting to watch.
Young boys are there way home from school.  Cayden making three boys happy with the cars.   End of a wonderful week with the family.   Homeward bound on Saturday morning!!

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