Friday, May 4, 2012

Classic Clinic Moment

Classic Moment in the clinic- Elder Johnson giving Oscar the finer points of playing Solitaire.  Only Oscar was trying to tell him how to play.   War between the two players.  Great photo!
Oscar loving the attention from Elder/Dr. Johnson -Dr. Ryan Taylor, Volunteer, busy at his work while the others were playing.
Sister Johnson being the basketball standard for the boys to practice their shots.  What you won't do to entertain the children.
Dr. Evan Roundy, Volunteer for the week with his wife Melanie, was giving Cindi and Elder Johnson some tips on playing the game.   They (Doc & Cindi) thought they knew how to play the game until Dr. Roundy showed up.
Meeting of the minds, Dr. Call, Dr. Johnson, Dr. Roundy and Dr. Taylor discussing treatment plan on the future missionaries front teeth.   
The second half of the Coatepeque group was here today.   Again they left at 2:00 a.m. to get to the clinic at 9:00 a.m.   These kids were exhausted and by time the day ended around 6:00 p.m. and having to ride back home for another 6 hours, they totally exhausted.  

They were so patient waiting their turn to be seen.  The Stake Young Men's President, Marvin (in the orange jacket)accompanied the group once again.  We furnished pizza and drinks for them and they were a hungry group.   They will be fantastic missionaries.
Great group of kids!!!!!!!

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