Friday, May 4, 2012

Branch Baptism/Activity

Saturday, 4 April 2012 - Our first baptism since we've been in the Las Lomas Branch.  Elder Walker and Elder Garcia baptized Domingo (on the left) Angel (middle) and Fernando today.  A special day for these three young boys.   Support from the Branch was amazing - there were about 35 people in attendance.

Elder Garcia and Fernando
Mr. Hernandez has been a member for the last 30 years but not an active one.  He seemed thrilled to see his boys baptized.  The sister is wanting to be baptized but wants to wait for a while.  Fernando asked Elder Johnson to ordain him a deacon on Sunday.  He was honored to be asked.

After the baptism, we held a Branch activity.   Elder Johnson BBQ the hot dogs (all 72).  The Jensen's and myself took care of managing the condiments, etc.  
Elder & Hermana Johnson bought a soccer ball and basketball for the Branch.  Play time before we went back into the chapel to watch Pres. Uchtdorf's conference talk "Stop It" was shown to Branch members.  Another successful activity with the members of the Branch and we look forward to many more gatherings.

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