Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hungry Elders

On Saturday, we try to take the Elder's from our Branch to lunch and have our planning meeting on Branch Activities but today, we gained four extra 'hungry' Elders.  Elder Rasmussen, Garcia and Batres (the three on the left) are from our Branch but there others are from another area.  Elder Wootton, with the big grin, is from Midway, he's the one that invited he and the others to dine with us. 
It' wonderful being surrounded by fine young men and listening to their missionary experiences.  Boy, can they put away the food.   We always end with ice cream, but Wendy's was out today so we ventured up the road to Pollo Campero.
The best way to finish off a meal - ice cream. 

Smiles in Central American Humanitarian Group

Smiles in Central American Humanitarian group (Brigada) organized by David Sheet of Orem arrived in Guatemala on April 27 - May 3, 2012.  David has brought 23 different groups to Central American over the years.   This is not a small group of individuals who want to provide humanitarian services throughout the country.  For many in this group, this is not there first time here.  This group consisted of: 30 dentists, assistants, 6 oral surgeons, 4 endodontists, 1 anesthesiologist, 4 physicians (Dr. Flinders & Lynn), 1 lunch lady (but he was a man) and many others totaling 130 people.  They turned the chapel and cultural hall into the xray area, dental clinic. 
Cleaning of the instrutments took place in the kitchen.
Their setup was unbelieveable - courtyard turned into the sterilization area.  You can see the camp stoves hooked to propane tanks; huge compressors were located behind the sterilizing area.  It took three days to set up.  They had surgery areas in the Relief Society room and on the stage.  You can not believe the setup for the 'Brigada'.  
Future Missionaries would register in the foyer; move to another room for a hair cut, next photo time; blood work completed; physical exam; x-rays, wait for long periods of time to get their dental work completed; wisdom teeth removed; and finally, pick up a white shirt, tie, toothbrush, paste, floss, hair brush (not sure what they gave the future sisters) and then out the door.  It was a long day for the youth.  Below, they are waiting for their x-rays.
Pres. Martino asked us to keep our schedule open for the 5 days in case they needed to bring patients to the clinic.  We left our schedule open but only saw 6 patients on Friday.  They asked Doc and I to assist in taking x-rays on two different days.  They saw 735 patients in the 5 days but they expected around 1200.  We were glad to get back to our quiet Dental Clinc on Friday; too many people all at once.   

Friday, May 4, 2012

Goodbye to Elder & Sister Rogers'

Farewell to Elder Rogers' (in the white shirt) and a member of the monthly golf team.  Team consisted of Dr. Terry Drake, Dr. Roberto Carlinares (Fixed Prosthodontist, Country Club member) Elder Denton Rogers and Elder Johnson.   Roberto and his wife hosted a going away luncheon for Dr. Rogers'.  Fabulous food - lomito steak, so tender and delicious, plus sausage cooked to perfection, tortillas, guac, and homemade pies
Roberto III is showing them how to swing - great swing by the way. Elder Bethea not a golfer but a good friend of Roberto's plus a Rotarian.
Roberto, Claudia & Roberto III

Classic Clinic Moment

Classic Moment in the clinic- Elder Johnson giving Oscar the finer points of playing Solitaire.  Only Oscar was trying to tell him how to play.   War between the two players.  Great photo!
Oscar loving the attention from Elder/Dr. Johnson -Dr. Ryan Taylor, Volunteer, busy at his work while the others were playing.
Sister Johnson being the basketball standard for the boys to practice their shots.  What you won't do to entertain the children.
Dr. Evan Roundy, Volunteer for the week with his wife Melanie, was giving Cindi and Elder Johnson some tips on playing the game.   They (Doc & Cindi) thought they knew how to play the game until Dr. Roundy showed up.
Meeting of the minds, Dr. Call, Dr. Johnson, Dr. Roundy and Dr. Taylor discussing treatment plan on the future missionaries front teeth.   
The second half of the Coatepeque group was here today.   Again they left at 2:00 a.m. to get to the clinic at 9:00 a.m.   These kids were exhausted and by time the day ended around 6:00 p.m. and having to ride back home for another 6 hours, they totally exhausted.  

They were so patient waiting their turn to be seen.  The Stake Young Men's President, Marvin (in the orange jacket)accompanied the group once again.  We furnished pizza and drinks for them and they were a hungry group.   They will be fantastic missionaries.
Great group of kids!!!!!!!

Tio Juan/Mi Casa Activities

Sunday, 15 April 2012 - The Call's and Johnson's skipped church to attend what we thought was an award event for the Tio Juan Girls and Mi Casa Boys Orphange.   We were invited to join them in Iztapa close to San Jose.   This wasn't an award event but a reunion on the river and was only a block away from the Pacific Ocean.  Uncle John had been given the property about 7 years ago and they upgraded the property over time.  Today was a gathering of former orphans and their families and about 150 current orphans residing at Tio Juan and Mi Casa.   The day was so hot and we were not dressed for the event.  I thought I was going to melt.  We were in our Sunday best and looked out of place.  But we had a wonderful time soicalizing with the kids we treat at the clinic.   There was approximately 500 people.  
Photos of the days activities and the adorable children and youth.  
A group at a time was taken to the beach to play for an hour or so and then another group was taken.  Everyone, no matter the age, was required to wear a lifejacket while in the water.  
Elder Johnson, Tio Juan (Uncle John), Elder Call
A light sweater and a polyester skirt was not the best outfit to be in today.
Thursday, 26 April 2012 - Invited to the Tio Juan/Mi Casa Easter Egg Hunt at their Finca (farm) in San Juan Sacalepequez.  Below are the two guides to get us there in 45 minutes after work, Olga (in our car) and Crystal from the orphange.  
Gave a car to this happy little boy as we turned around on a wrong road.   Olga had us lost.  Call's in one direction and we were heading in another direction.
We stopped these young men and Olga asked for directions, but that didn't do much good.   In the meantime, we were calling the Call's every so often to see if they had found the place.   Two and a half hours later, we finally found the place.
Wow!  What a retreat for the children.  This place was also given to the Orphange a few years back and it was situated on about 12 acres.  Not too shabby for a retreat!!!  Today was their Easter Egg Hunt for about 100 children.
The kids are in line waiting for the hunt to begin.  The older kids take charge of the others, they help with food preparation, clean up, keeping the kids taken care of.   Older ones accompany the younger ones to the clinic each week.
Tio Juan leading the kids to their designated area before the hunt begins.
Girls on one side and boys on the other.   
On your mark get set GO!!!
Lots of candy and prizes were scattered on the property.  If you found a paper with a number on it, you won a special prize.
Bethesida - a former orphan - now Resident Supervisor for the Tio Juan girls.