Saturday, January 26, 2013

Nightmare on 10 Avenida - 17 Calle

October 25, 2012 - 6:25 p.m.
  Returning from a remote site trip in Teleman; just unpacked the dental equipment and heading for home after a successful trip.  10 Avenida - 17 Calle - Elder J.  approached the intersection when I noticed a motorcycle coming full speed towards the intersection knowing he had no intention to stop; I told  Elder J. to stop there was no time to get through the intersection without being hit.  Thinking the motorbike would go around us - wrong-  he clipped the bumper and the next thing I witnessed was the passenger flying through the air.  Notice the rebar protruding from the sidewalk plus two poles in the third photo (daylight photo); all I thought about was the young lady hitting one of those obstacles.  She landed on her back on the left side of the pole.  When I rushed over to see here, she was conscious and alert.  The Wilcox's were with us and both our phones were dead so we couldn't call Dr. Call or Jorge, fleet manager, from the Area Office and then Dr. Call.  Whenever you're involved in an accident, protocol is to immediately call Jorge.  Of course, both phones were dead.  Police arrived, people gathered from every direction, not a safe area and no working phones.  What are the odds that a young man approached us to offer us his phone.  No coincidence but a minor miracle; he was LDS, his brother worked at the CCM and his phone was working.  Also another woman, LDS, advised us not to leave our car unattended in that neighborhood.  Tender mercies and/or minor miracles took place this evening.  
Elder J. filling out the accident report - relinquishing his drivers license and  copy of his passport to police officers.
Officer Felipe Felipe checking out Elder J's passport to see if there was a warrant out on him.    
Accident scene in the day light - there was a someone watching over this young girl, riding with no helmet  traveling at a high rate of speed being thrown off the bike; missing the rebar, polls, landing on her back; being able to leave the hospital the next morning without any injuries not even a broken bone, concussion, or internal injuries.   The young driving the bike had a scrape on his arm.  His bike sustained little damage.
Very little damage to both the car and bike...
We finally reached Dr. Call informed him of what took place.  He dropped off his passengers and return back to 11 Calle.    It seemed like an eternity waiting for Dr. Call.  Felipe Felipe, the police officer, was very patient with us because were stalling him for Dr. Call's arrival, plus the insurance adj. & attorney. After Dr. Call  arrived, we went to the police station, there we would wait for the others to arrive.  Elder J. did not enter the police station because if he did, he would be under arrest so we stayed outside to fill out the accident statement.
DeeDee Wilcox, Dr. Call, Doc, & Dr. Wilcox rehashing the events of the evening outside the police station waiting for our adjuster & attorney.  We followed the police to the hospital after all the paper work was completed. When a person is injured, the procedure is to go to the hospital to negotiate a settlement that evening with the injured party and all is well after they settle and we could have returned home.  The church attorney offered to transfer the patient to a private hospital and settle this evening but she declined their offer.  Since the offer was refused, Elder J. and the owner of the bike were under arrest immediately and taken by the police to the court house to set bail/bond.
It is now around 9:30 p.m. and we are following the police truck with Elder J. & owner of the bike  heading to the courthouse/jail to post bail/bond.  At the entrance of the courthouse, Elder J. and the young man were handcuffed (standard procedure) together to enter.  Dr. Call accompanied Elder J. in the building to set his bail/bond along with the attorney and insurance rep.   Myself and the Wilcox's sat in Dr. Call's car anxiously waiting for their return.   12:30 a.m. they finally walked out of the the courthouse/jail minus Elder J.'s drivers license and an order he could not leave the country.  The car and motorbike were impounded because that was the proof  that an accident occurred.  At 1:00 am. we finally arrived at the apartment.  An evening we'll never forget but so fortunate that they didn't keep Elder J.  & the young man over night. The next step was to wait for a court date which could take up to 2 to 3 months.  In the meantime, Sister J. is the designated driver.

On Friday,    November 30, 2012, the day we were leaving for another remote site visit to Melchor, the area security guard presented Elder J with his driver's license before we picked up our vehicles.  Nothing was settled as yet, but they did agree to return his license.   What a relief because Sister J. would have been the driver to Melchor; something she did not want to do.  To make a long story short, a preliminary court date was scheduled 3 months later, matters were settled that day; the young lady wanted it settled and didn't want to miss more work for future court appearances.   What a relief to have this situation settled. 
Everest still impounded by the police.

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