Sunday, January 20, 2013

Christmas Events -2012

Christmas Events 2012- 
No one wanted to cook Christmas Eve before FHE - finest dining ever at Taco Bell.
Elder Spencer (lone person), Elder Bower, Sister Spencer, Elder & Sister Smith.
Oh dear, so many choices, what are we going to order????
Dr. & Sister Drake & Elder & Sister Smith...
Elder & Sister James, Elder & Sister Jensen.& Elder & Sister Bower
Nothing like a taco, burrito & fries instead of Prime rib on Christmas Eve -
Sister & Elder Murray, Sister & Elder Wilcox, & Sister & Elder Spencer - 
FHE Christmas Eve - Elder Danielson conducting -
Everyone enjoyed hearing the Christmas story & singing Christmas songs.
Surprise visit from Santa & Mrs Clause -former Elder Jacob Rasmussen & Wyatt Kirk
Another surprise - Patty Alverez & family stopped by to entertain and express their appreciation for the scarifice of leaving loved ones at home to help strengthen the members of Guatemala and giving service  to others.  Patty works at the Area Office, her husband is a stake president, a son on a mission in California, her other son above, also a return missionary. 
Christmas morning- breakfast on the roof.   Beautiful, sunny  clear  morning with delicious food.  Just the beginning of our gatherings to eat all through the holidays.
Sister Johnson & Sister Standage -  Notice the black apron  I purchased from a lady on a corner next to Central Market.   I've been looking for an apron for a year. one day while shopping near Central Market,  I noticed a ladies apron; I approached her and asked how much, to my surprise she told me, I said fine, paid her and left with the apron.  The best bargain ever - so happy over my purchase that day.  Now I have to find five more willing ladies to sell their apron.
 Merry Christmas Sister Johnson!!
Serious game of chess - Dr. Drake & Pres. Stay - 
Christmas Day - 1:00 p.m. in the James apartment for a turkey dinner - just finished breakfast.
Elder James, Sister Call & Elder Call, Sister Bower & Sister James.  Delicious meal
Didn't take any pictures of the meal Christmas Eve - pulled pork sandwiches, salad & etc.  Gathered on the roof at Midnight to watch the fireworks -spectacular display - lots of 'oohs & awes'.   The above photo is the day after, 26 December gathered again in the Johnson apartment to eat Christmas leftovers - doesn't look like leftovers - new, fresh food added.  That's all we've done for three days is eat morning, noon and night.
Ended the last supper of the Christmas Holidays with a rousing game of 'famous people'... Lots of laughter & a genuine competitive spirit between the round table vs the square table.   Sister J. timer and referee.  

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