Sunday, February 17, 2013

Volunteer Dentists

Clinical Dental is a rewarding setting for service, using their dental skills to help future missionaries , currently serving missionaries, CCM (MTC) missionaries and orphans.  
Dr. & Mrs.  Francis Alder
 They are from Vancouver, Washington but grew up in Provo.  Former Mission President in Chile from 2004 -2007.  
Team work as dentist and spouse.  Most of the wives have never assisted their husbands before and can be challenging for them.  
Dr.  Alder & Darlene....Delightful, dedicated couple  in serving the Lord. 
Shared stories about his life, his mission president experiences and he has a 106 year old mother.
Alder's with the children from San Cristobol School.
Dynamic - colorful twosome....  the odd couple
 Dr. Byan Tavion and Jim Smith.   Dr. Tavion practices in Cedar City; Jim is a patient of his.  Jim wanted Dr. Tavion to experience working the clinic for a few days.   Dr. Tavion has  provided dental service each year in many countries. .Jim, a former warden at the Utah Department of Correction at the Point of the Mountain and Gunnison Facility is the most unlikely person to assist in dentistry.  He and his wife served in Guatemala over Security.  
Dr. Tavion instructing Jim on how to be an assistant.

We've made many new friends who've volunteered in the clinic.   Our lives have been blessed  watching their dedication in serving others and listening to their experiences over the years.

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