Thursday, November 8, 2012

No Tricks Just Lots of Treats

Las Lomas Branch Halloween Party - Saturday, October 27, 2012
The Elders invited about 10-12 investigators to our party plus everyone else on the streets and members.  Great turnout!!
Elder J.,Hermana J., Norma, Sophie (with the sucker) Elen, Daniella (litte one with face painted).  
Young men & Young women put together a Spook Alley. R to L - Fernando, Jose, Heber, Judy, ??. 
Herrera Family - Best Costume Award
Herrera Children
Elder & Hermana Jensen manning the Fish Pond
Patiently waiting for their turn in the Spook Alley
Elder Maneses getting the bowling game started.
Armundo Garcia Family
The bowling ball was a small pumpkin and by the end of the evening I had wrapped masking tape around the pumpkin numerous times but it was getting 'mushy'.   
Herrera Family - I took their picture while they took mine.
President Perez tying the rope in the window for the pinata.
Elder Maneses holding his end of the rope for the pinata.
Elder Hollingsworth & Alexa getting ready for the fun to begin
Sophie getting her turn before the big kids take a swing.

The pinata broke, both young and old dropped to the floor for their share of treats.   They love chocolate and anything sweet.
A good time was had by all (approx. 85 plus)  We served nachos and drink.   You can only imagine the clean up after such an event.   Elders were pleased their investigators enjoyed the evening.  Daniella is the first one to get a broom and start cleaning up after every activity.  President & Sister Perez have taught her well.  She loves Elder J. because he give her candy on Sunday morning.  Way to go Dentista Johnson...

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