Thursday, November 8, 2012

Esquipulas Remote Site

September 8, 2013
Leaving Chiquimula heading towards Copan to see the ruins, there were 18 wheelers stopped along the road for miles.   Apparently a bridge was out on the road ahead so no miles being logged  for many hours.   Two drivers relaxing, out of  the heat and loving life.  
Esquipulas Basilica 
Esquipulas chapel home of our remote site visit.  Members just getting out of church as we drove up.   There are always helping hands to help unload our supplies and equipment; so nice to have extra hands and strong arms.

Lunch with Elder Wotton and Elder Martin at their comedor after unloading all the equipment.  The Elders eat here twice a day.  The food was actually very good. Back to the church to set up our clinic.
A friend of Elder/Doctor Call's, Estuardo Pacheco from Esquipulas lives around the corner from the church, in fact, the church bought the property from his family many years ago.  Well, any way, he had a horse and Elder Johnson could not resist taking a ride.   He was definitely in his element and loved every minute on the horse.   Don't know if that's against mission rules or not.
Elder J. is in front of Estuardo Pacheco's house.  The blue section of his house is his business.  He has a water purification business.  He is not a member of the church but he arranged our hotel accommodations and set up the patients from the orphanage that we will see on Wednesday afternoon.
Monday, 10 September 2012 7:30 a.m. at the church ready for breakfast.  Two young girls were already in line to be seen first thing.  At 8:00 a.m. we started seeing future missionaries first.  The two young girls did not get seen until about 10:00 a.m.  by this time the entire hallway was full of patients.   Quick break at 1:15 p.m. for lunch and then back to work.  So many to see and so little time. Around 5:00 p.m. a heavy rain storm hit and we lost power for a couple of minutes.   Our day ended at 6:30 p.m. and at 6:45 p.m. another group came and wanted to be seen but they were sent home to return tomorrow.  A variety of dental issues but no brushing is still #1.
Clinic in action.  You're looking at the Wilcox's and Johnson's working area.   Our sterilization area and instrument table is always centered in the room for easy access.  A ward member always helps with sterilization which is so helpful.
These two sisters were so helpful and efficient for the three days we worked.
Elder & Sister Danielson - missionaries in Chiquimula assisted in making the arrangements for our remote site.  They were helping with sterilization.  Must have been a downtime for them.
Typical sight each day with people patiently waiting in line for their turn. Each one watches a video about dental hygiene, given a toothbrush and brushes before being seen.  
Elder J. removed 17 teeth from this older gentleman.  He was so grateful.  The Danielson's picked him up and drove an 1hour to get him to the church.   
Each child is given a gift after their treatment.  The burrito baby's were made by Barbara Lee and her ward members.  The girls love the dolls.  Cars donated by 3rd Ward High Priest group.  These gifts of love create lots of smiles.  
Nothing stops the work of the Lord.  On Tuesday afternoon  four more orphans to be seen and the power goes out for a few minutes.  Elder J. and Hermana J. continue working in the dark.
Eduardo arranged for children from the orphanage to be seen on Tuesday afternoon.  Dr. Call and one of the Nuns discussing what would take place this afternoon.   
Twenty beautiful young girls filled the halls on Tuesday afternoon.  
Girls completed watching the dental education movie, brush the teeth and now ready for treatment.  It was fun to watch the Nun playing basketball with the girls while they were waiting.  You could tell this wasn't the first time she'd played basketball.  You are so tired at the end of the day but we know we are making a difference in the lives of others.  
Wednesday, 12 September 2012 - Started treating patients at 7:00 a.m. pm on the last of ward members before the orphans show up at 9:00 a.m.  Twenty younger orphans show up for their treatments.  Dr. Call educating the younger group outside.  
Dental Hygiene 101 on the sidewalk of the church.  His presentation is always so animated and fun to watch.  He has the attention of everyone.
Brush - brush - brush.   This concept can not be emphasize enough.
Dr. Call discussing the treatment plan with the nun.
TLC is needed at times while treating patients.  The patient likes to hold my hand or they will hold onto my arm for comfort.  Assisting the doc with one hand can be most difficult at times.
Elder Martin was so tender with each patient.   They're having a serious conversation.  The Elders are so helpful at each remote site with translations, interacting with patients, and helping where needed.
We like to give the patient a mirror to watch what is taking place.  
Does it look like it's been a long three days?  Dr. Call, Dr. Johnson and Dr. Wilcox taking a snooze after lunch and before the next group of orphans arrive.
Our last group of orphans.  At the end of three days we treated 133 patients and completed 551 procedures. 
Successful three days...
Elders found this on the church lawn along with four others just like it.  Grateful they stayed outside during our visit.
Highlight of our trip - Estuardo arranged for us to visit the Hogar Esquipulas Orphanage.  The baby Eduardo is holding was left on the doorstep of the orphanage a couple of months ago.  
My turn to hold the baby.  
Elder Wotton and Elder Martin
Gifts for the children - burrito babies for the girls & cars for the boys.  It was so cute to watch the little girl on the right trying to decide if she wanted a doll or a car.  She had a difficult time; she would get a car put it down, pick up the doll, put the doll down and get the car again.  Bet you can't guess what she chose?   Nope, she took the car!!!!
This little girl did not want to come out of the building to interact with us.  Sister Wilcox took a baby doll to her and she still wasn't happy.
The Elders expressed how grateful they were to accompany us to the orphanage.  The children loved them and wanted the attention given to them.   Priceless picture!!
This baby and five siblings were brought to the orphanage after both parents had passed away.  The little girl with Elder Martin is a sister to Diana the baby.  The oldest sister, 17 years old, is being taught how to read and write.  A tragic story but these children are so fortunate to be placed in a loving environment.  We were so impressed with the facility being so clean, well manicured lawn and playground area. The children seemed so happy.  They care for 47 children.
Esquipulas Basilica - Home of the Black Christ- Pristine Basilica 418 years old. They travel from all over the country to pay homage to the Cristo Negro and wait hours to kneel at the alter to pray.  
Spanish conquistador for the church in Esquipulus commissioned Quiro Catano from Antigua in 1594 to carve a Christus.  The Christus is carved out of dark wood but over the years the wood has turned black.  It was installed in the Bas
A local celebration in February attracts thousands of people who travel great distances to kneel for the Black Christ.   
Last night in Esquipulas relaxing after a long 3 days of treating patients - playing cards on the roof top, by the pool, enjoying one an others company.  Elder & Sister Wilcox, Sister Call, & Sister J. 
Hotel Real Santa Maria our residents for the past 4 days.  Clean, warm water, no bugs, so-so mattress,    within walking distance of the church and restuarants for our evening meals.  

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