Thursday, November 8, 2012

Guatemalan Independence Day

September 15, 2013
Guatemala Independence Day
Guatemala celebrates this special day and honor the heros of Guatemala's independence .  They celebrate their independence from Spain.   You will see parades, runners carring a torch from village to village, fireworks, lots of drinking and partying taking place.   Missionaries were advised to stay close to home   on Friday because of all the activities and crowds.    
On Saturday the Mantufer Ward held an Independence Day event.   They were raising money for the missionaries.  It was to start at 9:30 a.m. so the Seniors arrived on time and only one person was there.   come to find out it didn't start until 11:00 a.m.   The sisters pitched in to help set up the cultural hall and be useful.
Elder relaxed waiting for the event to take place.   They were all wishing they had eaten before leaving home.  Breakfast was to be served at the church at 9:30 a.m.  WRONG!!
Sister missinaries: (r) to (l)  Barbara Jensen, LeeAnn Call, AL (me) Barbara Murray, DeeDee Wilcox, Lynda Smith and Teri James.   Wonderful friends, neighbors and missionaries.
Relief Society President setting up a display depicting Guatemala culture.   
Finally around 11:00 a.m. food booths were finally up and running.  Money was going to a good cause to support missionaries. Each organization gave a brief history Central America.  They sang their national anthem, and said their pledge.    
Sampling the local food & hoping not to get the dreaded after affects.  Some of the food was delicious.
Relief Society President & ward member... Fun morning mingling with ward members and missionaries.   

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