Friday, December 14, 2012


Thanksgiving Day - 2012
Worked 1/2 a day at the clinic; rushed home to get ready to greet our guests at 2:30 p.m.
Senior Couples gathered at the Johnson apartment for Thanksgiving Dinner.  
Delicious dessert table - most important part of the meal.
Our family away from home; delightful group of people.
Dr. Wilcox, DeeDee Wilcox, Sister Searle, Sister Harris, & Sister Curits
Patiently waiting in line; not much space to accommodate serving 34 people.
Beautiful day...
A picture of our famous lazy susan table; entertaining table,  game table, & great table for Dominoes.
John Curtis & Dic Johnson engaged in deep conversation.
Drake's, Danielson's Call's enjoying a game of Uno.
Dr. Drake & Pres. Stay deep in thought over chess.

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