Thursday, December 13, 2012

Las Lomas Activities

Saturday, 17 November 2012
Elder Mansases 19th birthday - Celebrating at Skillets.
Elder Mansases - Elder Hollingsworth - Sister J- Elder J. & Sister Jensen
Marina Guadelupe Perez baptism. Her two other sisters were baptised about 4 months ago.
Family photo - Katrina, Mama, Lourdes, Marina, ? and last sister Angela.
After the baptism, the young women & Relief Society held a bridal shower for Monica Reyes, YW President.  The entire Branch attended - not just women.
Sister J. (me) brought toilet paper for the guests to make a bridal gown, veil and bouquet.  The guests  were divide into three groups.   
Gown group: all ages participated in this group.  They all worked well together.
Bouquet Group:  YM & YM - surprised at their creativity & participation.
Veil group below - creativity was flowing from this group - great team work.
Finished product - magnificent bridal gown, veil & bouquet - just so-so groom.
Monica's finance is far better looking than this pinata.
Monica is a return missionary, YW President & teaches at the CCM plus a student.  Her influence, love  and example will be missed by the Branch.  
December 1, 2012 is the "BIG DAY".

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