Saturday, April 20, 2013

San Salvador Temple Excursion

 San Salvador Temple Excursion
February 1, 2013
Guatemala Border crossing over to El Salvador.  Three cars, three while shirt Elders with badges, three gringo,  perfect target for these men who swarmed on them as they left their cars proceed the process of crossing the border.  The hustlers left with Q300 and $10.00 per person to expedient the crossing.   Lesson learned just a little too late - there is a 'sucker' born every minute.  The last hustler tried to get another Q100 to spray our car for bugs - didn't fall for it this time.  Good laugh was had by all.....
Bienvenido a El Salvador
Welcome to El Salvador
San Salvador Temple

Lee Ann Call, Kent & Teri James, Doc & AL, Jo & Ralph Bower, DeeDee & Wayne Wilcox
Jo Bowers, Teri James & Dee Dee Wilcox
San Sandres en Mesoamerica Map
Luis Abrizu, a friend of Elder James was our personal guide for the day. 
 Luis is CES Director in San Salvador, and former Mission President in Costa Rica.  
San Andres Ruins -  beginning stages of excavating the site.
2nd stop of the day 
Joya De Ceren Ruins
A village buried by volcanic eruption
Loved this man's apartment - chair, bucket, bed, great view - all the comforts of home.
His home is ocated on the corner of the Institute Building
Abbi Pupuseria - lunch time - typical foods.
Pupuse -all time favorite of Guate people.

Pupuse - most delicious - tortilla, beans and meat in the middle topped with another tortilla
topped with marinated shredded cabbage and a spicy tomato sauce.   Delicioso!!!!!
Christian and Crystal - guides for the afternoon - 
They were so fun, willing to show us a great time.
Puerto de Diablo  (Door of the Devil)  - popular tourist & local attractions
A mile walk to the top of the lookout for a panoramic view of  the city.
Elder Bower & Elder J. hiking to the top of Diablo
Panoramic view on Diablo   - invigorating hike.. breathtaking view.
Pacific Ocean behind us - 
You can't beat the feeling you get when you're handing out
cars.   It brings the biggest smile to the little ones.
A car is a joy!!!!!
Last stop of the day, Renacer Fernado Llort Art Gallery.   He is a famous
Guatemala artist.   It was getting dusk and Christian talked them into 
keeping the store open until we arrived.
Murial outside the art gallery - it was well worth their time to keeping 
the gallery open.   Everyone purchased several items.
Temple view from our room at the Hilton Park Hotel.  
Sunday morning and time to return to Guatemala City.
We were looking for a chapel to attend church Sunday morning on our way home  and discovered the
Tazumal Ruins.
Viewed the ruins through the fence.
Great trip to San Salvador - checked off the 'bucket list'.

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