Sunday, February 17, 2013

Pediatric Service Project

IGSS Pediatric Ward
Friday afternoon service project on February 8, 2013
Sister Jensen, Sister Call and Sister J. visited the Pediatric Ward to distribute a hat & stuffed animal to the children.  The wards we visited consisted of 4-5 cribs in each small room. 
No smile could be achieved from this precious child.
He loved his hat & bear...
This handsome young boy was way too big for his crib but he loved the attention from us.

Very apprenhensive about accepting a gift from this strange lady...
Cutest little girl but so swollen
All the children and their mothers were so appreciative of our visit. Our visit was well worth the effort when a child smiled and said "gracias".   
This young has been hospitalized since early December. Notice the pink monkey tied to the bed.   Sister Jensen & her husband took monkeys to the hospital before Christmas.  Their children sent the monkeys to Guate for their parents to distribute to the children.  This young girl has a long road to recovery.
Room for the mother's whose child is in the ICU unit.  This is the gathering place as well as sleeping quarters at night.   The benches transform into beds.  Sister Call giving the gift to the mothers.  A young mother was standing outside the door quietly crying.  Due to the lack of communication, I embraced her to let her know of my love and concern.  I was surprised at her response of holding on to me for a short period of time.  Sister Jensen noticed her too, visited with her in Spanish,  and asked her if she could offer a pray for her child.  Sister Jensen, Sister Call, myself and the mother held hands while the prayer was offered.  The mother was so grateful for our love and concern.
I noticed this young mother crying & kneeling in prayer pleading with the Father to hear her prayer when we first came to the unit.  There was not an opportuntiy to console her or to embrace her to let her know we cared.   She did not move from this position the entire time we were on the floor.  You just wonder how sick her child must be to be in such agony.       

Volunteer Dentists

Clinical Dental is a rewarding setting for service, using their dental skills to help future missionaries , currently serving missionaries, CCM (MTC) missionaries and orphans.  
Dr. & Mrs.  Francis Alder
 They are from Vancouver, Washington but grew up in Provo.  Former Mission President in Chile from 2004 -2007.  
Team work as dentist and spouse.  Most of the wives have never assisted their husbands before and can be challenging for them.  
Dr.  Alder & Darlene....Delightful, dedicated couple  in serving the Lord. 
Shared stories about his life, his mission president experiences and he has a 106 year old mother.
Alder's with the children from San Cristobol School.
Dynamic - colorful twosome....  the odd couple
 Dr. Byan Tavion and Jim Smith.   Dr. Tavion practices in Cedar City; Jim is a patient of his.  Jim wanted Dr. Tavion to experience working the clinic for a few days.   Dr. Tavion has  provided dental service each year in many countries. .Jim, a former warden at the Utah Department of Correction at the Point of the Mountain and Gunnison Facility is the most unlikely person to assist in dentistry.  He and his wife served in Guatemala over Security.  
Dr. Tavion instructing Jim on how to be an assistant.

We've made many new friends who've volunteered in the clinic.   Our lives have been blessed  watching their dedication in serving others and listening to their experiences over the years.