Sunday, September 2, 2012

Favorite Photos

No words necessary....
This is how we feel at the completion of a remote site clinic!
Pot full of corn ... making a corn drink - not our favorite.
Scout Parade held one Sunday morning! Scouts lined Las Americas about 2 miles long.
 Children love the cars.
You never know what they will carry on their head.
Wash day for these two young girls... scrubbing on a rock. 
Children learn at a young age to carry supplies, wood, veggies to and from home.
Beautiful children ....
He ain't heavy - he's my brother...
First time I've seen a young boy wear the traditional clothing.
Love the hat and sneakers with his skirt.
BBQ grill on her head.
Don't understand how they carry and balance their load.
Father and son carry their veggies to market - up hill.
A dentist worse nightmare...
Home sweet home!!!!

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