Thursday, May 2, 2013

IGSS Pediatric Hospital & UNOP Cancer Hospital

IGSS Pediatric Hospital
Friday, 5 April, 2013
Today, the Johnson's & Jensen's made a second visit to the Pediatric Hospital to receive a smile from the young patients.  The dolls given today were made with love from a group of dear friends in Spanish Fork and the cars made by the 3rd Ward High Priest also from Spanish Fork.

This young man was too big for these small beds -not enough room to stretch his legs.

Isolation Unit
When we entered the Isolation Unit, the taller boy on the left noticed us and started
shouting 'Gringo, Gringo' over and over running up & down the hall.  He was so excited to see a gringo.
It might be gringos bring gifts which caused the excitment; we're not sure the reason for his greeting but it put a smile on our face and made our day.
Lots of  smiles, hugs and thanks received today during our visit.   
Chicken Pox - huge poxs all over this precious girl.

UNOP Cancer Hospital
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Unop is an affiliate of St. Jude's Hospital.  Sister Murray takes a UNOP jar to FHE each Monday and the Senior Couples contribute money to UNOP.   The money goes to the hospital to help provide meals for parents who need assistance.  The hospital is impressive; fairly new facility,
bright colors, clean and an excellent staff members.   Rocio, Volunteer Coordinator, is holding a picture of Dakoda, our grandson who is fighting cancer since the age of 10 months (he is now 2 1/2).  Our visit was in his honor to  cheer and love to those suffering too.  We had coloring books, crayons, hats and cars that the 3rd Ward High Priests make in our garage.  

Rocio graciously gathered a few children from the lobby for a photo with our bag of gifts.

Rocio had us take our gifts into the lobby to hand out personally to the patients waiting for their appointments.   It was just like Christmas greeting these precious souls suffering at such a young age and putting a smile on their face.

A little one hiding in the carrier...
This little one reminded me of our Dakoda - naturally drawn to him.

Our last child to receive a gift.   A beautiful young girl with a positive attitude, contagious smile of hope, total determination to fight and conquer this dreaded disease.  In giving service these past 17 months, we are the ones that are blessed the most.
"Count your many blessings, name them one by one."