Sunday, February 12, 2012

Clinic Update - February 4, 2012

A future missionary, James, from Belize came to the clinic to get his work done. Sister Kay that came with him was his Seminary teacher. She is a convert of 3 years. Her daughter was baptized first, then she and her son were baptized. She indicated she gets up a 4 am to cook for the missionaries in the Belize area, then off to teach seminary, does some catering and is Relief Society President. She is so strong in the gospel and very active. James was in the dental chair about 4 hours the first day of treatment and was brought back the second day for Dr. Johnson to remove his wisdom teeth.

A group of dentist from Hershey Smiles joined us for a day of work on Saturday, February 23, 2012. The clinic was swarming with patients, dentists, wives, and others who were tagging along. They were on their way to another area of Guatemala for a few days of an outreach clinic. It was nice having them at the clinic to help with the CCM missionaries but it was even nicer to have peace and quiet in the clinic when they left.

The second picture, all dressed as missionaries, represents a group of Future Missionaries from Jalapa who traveled to Guatemala to complete their dental work. This group of young men were amazing. We treated 7 out of the 11 young men going on missions from this Ward. You could feel their enthusiasm about wanting to serve. The first picture is another group of future missionaries from Quezaltenago who traveled 4 hours by bus to also get their dental work completed. It's times like this that makes our mission so rewarding to know you are helping to prepare these young men to go on missions.

Our dental assistant, Cindy, bless her heart, has Elder Johnson hooked on Solitare in his spare time (which is lunch time). The two of them have enjoy competing. Cindy does not speak English so Elder Johnson teaches her an English word and she teaches him a Spanish word.

New Sighting

We've seen Nuns at the clinic but we've never seen any monks until on the way home from work one day when I spotted a group of Monks. Not the greatest picture but when the car moving and the driver doesn't want to slow down, you snap the photo quicky.

Las Lomas Activity

Elder Walker and Elder Garcia along with Elder and Sister Johnson organzied a Las Lomas Branch Activity on Saturday, January 28, 2012. Elder Walker had a Book of Mormon for each family and challenged them to read as a family. He also showed a clip of Jeffery Holland talking about the importance of the Book of Mormom and his testimony. We didn't think many would show up for the activity, but, what a surprise. There were about 60 people in attendance this evening.

Sister Johnson was in charge of the games. Being involved with the Activity Committee for many years really paid off this evening. My theme was "Win It In A Minute'. Elder Walker and Elder Garcia were in competition and Elder Garcia won. Elder Walker was not going to give up.

Meet Evan, he is something else. He likes to go on splits with the Elders and has a darling personality. He showed the Elders how to stack the appleson his first try.

The youth and adults really got a 'kick' out participating and were very competitive.

Game number two was taking an Oreo- putting it on your forehead and working it down to your mouth. I have some of the funniest pictures. There's not enough room on this blog to post all of my pictures. Here are two of the winners.

Game three - Attach a Kleenex box to your hips with 8 small balls in the box. You have a minute to shake all the balls out of the box. Great - wild time watching them try to get the balls out of the box. Lots of great movements amongst the adults and children plus lots of laughter.

Last but not least, musical chairs. Children went first and then adults had their turn. Talk about competition, you had to be their to appreciate what I am talking about. Pretty intense game but everyone had a wonderful time.

After feeding the group Jamica (punch) and cookies, it was time to load up the truck and send everyone home. A lot piled into Erik's truck to head for their casas. A very successful evening because it far exceeded our expectations of the turn out. They are a great group of people to be around.